Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 6 Bettmeralp & salve making

Today we took a gondola ride up Bettmeralp, this was predominately the summer grazing area for the cows. But now it is mostly a ski resort. Once we got to the town there were several other lifts going further up the mountain. And of course the view was beautiful.When we got out of the gondola there were these signs telling you how far away certain landmarks were. When we saw Yellowstone we were excited, it is close to home.
From there we met Lisa, our guide for the day. She owns a little resturant and she studies herbs, plants and makes herbal salves, oils, balms, etc. She took us on a walk up in the hills, pointing out different plant & herbs, explaining their uses.
This is Lemon Thyme
This is Ladies Mantle
Ladies Mantle is very good for the skin, like botox. After she got through telling us all the good things it does all us women wanted to roll around in it.
Yarrow which is common everywhere.
This is just a patch of wild flowers and herbs that were growing all over the mountain side. This is why the milk & cheese tastes so good and why it smells so good when they cut hay.
We were then instructed to gather a good handful of one of the three herbs mentioned above.
Shaun chose Lemon Thyme and I of course chose Ladies Mantle.

With herbs in hand we walked on down to the little town.
We then sat outside and mushed up our herbs with a little oil. Shaun's face is great here. I can't believe he was actually enjoying this.
We made these little Bunsen burners to heat up our mixture and cause the good properties of the plants to be released into the oil.
While we waited for our oil to infuse we had lunch. I wish you could see the food a little better but everything had edible flowers in it.
Shaun enjoying his salad with flowers.
After lunch we strained our herbs from our oil, you can see the different colors from the different plants. At this stage you can use the oil for massage.
But we went a step further and added wool wax and beeswax, stirring it until it starts solidifying then pouring it into our containers. Shaun & I had a little left over so we combined them to make an original concoction.
When we were done we had some time to explore, so we took another gondola ride further up the mountain to see this glacier. It looks like a road.
We got to have a snowball fight in summer. Pretty thick snow, that means it is ever thicker in winter!
Just to give you a little perspective on how high we were.
Here is the cold lake you could see from the picture above.
And of course a cow with a bell!
We went to a little dairy and got some fresh milk while we were there.
What can I say about this picture? Amazing, awesome, breathtaking....
I am in Heaven.

1 comment:

Familie May said...

Seems it was one of the best days too. So many new experiences and interesting things to do and what a view! Did you take home your selfmade concoction?