Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's all about Dan! May 2010

All right this post is all about Daniel, because what would life be like without him?
I think Dan took this picture of himself, but I had to add it so 10 years from now he can say....
"Why did I let my hair grow that long? it looks nasty!" We as typical parents give him a hard time about his hair. As a side note he did get it cut and it looks very nice.
He recently earned his Purple belt in GoJu Karate, which was quite a feat. He went in around noon and got done at 7:00pm. He had do 600 pushups, 600 situps, and ran 6 miles. We came at the end and saw them finishing their push ups and sit ups it was hard to watch, all the black belts were so encouraging, the last 50 push ups they held their belts to help just a little. There were only 3 boys at this level.
Dan's teacher is the lady on the right. As you can see she is small but you don't want to mess with her. to the right of her is her Father, and to the left of Dan is her Husband. Her Father lives in Kansas, He and a couple of other black belts come down for the testing. It took Dan a year for this test and he will have to wait 2 years for the next test. His teacher doesn't take this lightly, she only allows them to test if she thinks they are ready.
What an accomplishment!
This was taken before his belt test at a competition. He placed 2nd in forms and 3rd in sparing.
Way to go Dan!
Dans first Stake dance. He said he danced with almost every girl there, and the ones he really liked he danced twice. He is quite the ladies man. I am glad he is having fun. No I was not there to take the picture, I do not stalk my children, Shem did it for me. (he he)


Familie May said...

Respect to Dan! That already looks very professional.
What a funny ;-) pic Dan dancing with the tall girl. He seems to have a lot of fun.

The Sedrick Menagerie said...

way to go Dan, what a ladies man.