Saturday, June 5, 2010

History field trip April 30,2010

We went on a field trip to the Fort Smith History Museum with some friends of ours that we hadn't seen for a while, the Petersons. We saw a lot of interesting things, the kids liked dressing up as soldiers and cowboys.
Don't mess with the Sheriff!
They had a little soda shop where we had some ice cream, and this phone booth. The younger kids all climbed in there, I don't know if you can tell by the photo but there are 5 or 6 kiddos in there. In the same room there was on display old apothecary & drug store stuff, we found an old container that said Dried Dragon's Blood. It sounds like something for a witches brew. I wonder where they found a dragon to get blood from?
We then went to the fort and jail area, because this fort was on the border of the wild west there was a lot of lawlessness in the area. There was a Judge known as the hanging Judge, because as you can guess there were a lot of hangings performed under his direction. But he served for about 20 years and he helped clean up the place and make it safer to live there.

This is a replica of the court room, with Judge Isabelle at the bench.
All the kiddos on the old paddy wagon.


Little Brown Nuthatch said...

oh! so jealous. That sounds like it was a blast.

Familie May said...

What a lively history lesson! I'm sure the kiddos loved it and had a lot of fun.